At Laurel, the morning news airs "live" every day. Two student anchors and one student cameraperson film the news every morning before school starts. The news is made up of the following segments:
- Daily Segments
- Manners Monday - Focus in on a positive behavior for the week (New Library books featured on Mondays, too!)
- Terrific Tuesday - Learn a new American Sign Language sign and a new Spanish Word to practice this week.
- Wellness Wednesday - Lynxercise videos and healthy habits from Mrs. Rittner
- Thankful Thursday - Learn about a staff member and thank them for being a lynx!
- Fabulous Friday - Announce Weekly Paw Winners or Lynx In Action Slideshow
- Pledge of Allegiance and ROAR Pledge
- Weather Forecast
- Lunch and Breakfast Options
- "Where's My Stuff?!" Daily featured lost and found item
- Celebrations
- Trivia Time!
Click on the links below to watch the news each day
Monday: 3.24.25 (6:02 - includes a Journey Into Government announcement at the beginning)
Tuesday: 3.25.25 (6:45 - includes the announcement for the winners of the Yearbook Design Contest!)
Wednesday: 3.26.25 (6:14 - includes a promotional video for the Rollerland Skate Night)
Thursday: 3.27.25 (6:09 - includes Spirit Day reminder and repeat of Rollerland promo)
Friday: 3.28.25 (5:46)