School of Arts and Technology

School of Arts and Technology


“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle

Our names are Leah Roberts and Leah Jones and we are Laurel’s counseling team referred to as ‘The Leah’s.’ Our passion is helping kiddos and we love serving the Laurel community to build social-emotional and behavioral health and wellness.

To dig deeper into what we do at Laurel, here is our website full of tools, resources, videos and more that may help you at home!  On this website we keep updated information on all kinds of topics like problem solving, calming strategies, mindfulness, creativity projects, school expectations, read aloud(s), and so much more!

To dig deeper into community resources and services, here is our district elementary counseling page that has wonderful information included within.

Now, here is a little more about us…

Leah Roberts: Hi.  Welcome to another year of learning.  Laurel has been a part of my extended family for 15 years now!!  It has been my “home” away from home.  Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with students individually, in small groups or during classroom guidance.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with your kiddos and families on a deeper level.  I have a passion for helping others.  I enjoy processing big emotions with kids, brainstorming ideas to solve a problem, supporting kids in finding their voice and confidence, connecting kids with friends, and being witness to the “growth” our kiddos make over the years!!

Now, a little bit about me, outside of Laurel 😊  I have two amazing kids, a son who is in 1st grade and a daughter who just turned 4.  My household is full of energy and laughter, along with all the other real stuff that comes with having two littles (lots of messes, big feelings, some tears…etc.) No but really, my kiddos are best buds and do love playing with each other.  I remind myself everyday to cherish these moments because time truly does fly by.  As a family we love to visit our cabin on the Western slope, go on bike rides, swim, and just play.  When I have extra time, I also enjoy coaching volleyball.  I have been coaching as long as I have been a counselor (with some breaks in between😊).  What can I say, I love working with kids, whether it is on the court, in the classroom, or in my office!

Thanks for taking the time to visit our page and please don’t hesitate to reach out. Have a great day!  

“Act as if what you do makes a difference.  IT DOES!”-William James

Leah Jones:  Hello and thank you for stopping by our page. I guess it’s time to share a little bit about me, so, here we go!  I have been working as a school social worker for over a decade and am thankful to have landed a home at Laurel.  The 20-21 school year is my 3rd year here as the Behavior Support Counselor for the Laurel community.  I really enjoy helping kids find their calm, problem-solving behaviors, and processing strong emotions that may cause difficulty in learning, friendships or other areas of life.  Every small step forward is a success and we celebrate because shaping behaviors is hard work! (and I enjoy celebrating!) Every child is unique and I love embracing ALL the different and special qualities and perspectives other’s have. Working with social-emotional and behavior health, safety, and wellness is truly a passion of mine. This it true in my own home as well as I have a 3rd and 1st grader who are navigating and learning about the world around them just like your kiddo(s).  And some days are better than others, whew! When I am not working I love to garden, thrift, and visit the beautiful outdoors being hiking, biking, camping, paddling, or just admiring life around us.  In all of these ventures there is typically music on in the background. 😊 I try to keep life positive and hope to let my soul shine in every step of life—it takes a lot of work but I am up for the challenge.  Thanks for reading and have a lovely day and of course, a fantastic school year!

“All students can learn to succeed, but not on the same day in the same way.”

- William Spady

Our contact information:

Leah Roberts, M.Ed.                                                                      Leah Jones, MSW

 970-488-5935                                                             970-488-5982                                                                       

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.