School of Arts and Technology

School of Arts and Technology

PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

At Laurel we believe in the framework called PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support system. This is a school wide framework that explicitly teaches our school-wide expectations across all environments in the school and how we treat and interact with one another.  We focus on positive behaviors of the students and our community works to build a safe, consistent environment where everyone can grow, thrive, and succeed.

Our climate and culture at Laurel is based off of  (4) school-wide rules/expectations that have become our ROAR code:


Own my behavior



Check out these videos that explain more about about our Behavior Systems at Laurel:

Video 1: Overview

Video 2: Safe Seats and Calm Corners

Video 3: Refocus Forms

Video 4: Buddy Classrooms

Blue Individual Paws: To help promote positive behavior, we have many incentives and rewards.  Students can earn “paws” for making good choices and following the ROAR code.  These are our school’s color: teal! On Fridays we draw a paw from each classroom where students get recognized for their “pawesome” behavior!  You can see all the paws our Laurel students have earned this year as we collect them in a giant container in the front entry of our school. At the end of the year, we do one final BIG drawing from all the paws that were collected through the school year. Ask your child about the paws they’ve earned today!   

Gold Classroom Paws: As well as earning individual paws, students work together to earn “class paws.”  Class paws are distributed by Laurel staff to entire classroom groups that follow the ROAR code.  Maybe the class was responsible in the hallway, respectful at recess, or something else that was “pawesome!” These are the golden rule color: gold! Just like individual paws, classroom teachers set goals for how many their class earns and they do whole-class fun for earning these, for example, PJ day, extra recess, stuffy day, extra reading time, etc. Ask your child about the class paws they’ve earned today!

ROAR Assemblies:  At every quarter when report cards are given, we do a ROAR assembly.  Each classroom teacher and our Specials teachers will honor students who demonstrate ROAR behavior!

LYNX Mascot and Stuffed Animals:  We have our Mascot Lenny and all of our adorable Lynx stuffed animals Lila, Lou, Lorenzo, and Lucky! They join us at every school-wide assembly to see which class is showing ROAR behavior. Our stuffed animals get to join the chosen classes until the next assembly.  These stuffed animals bring flare as each class gets to leave a decoration item on them before moving to the next classroom.  And, you have probably seen Lenny jumping around at Laurel events!

If you have any feedback for the PBIS committee, please let us know by reaching out to the Laurel Counseling Team.  Our school is “Pawsitively” proud of our Laurel students! 

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